"Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." - 2 Timothy 2:15

Pastor Art Sims points out that the teachings in the Bible about baptism aren't the same throughout the entire Bible. He discusses why this is important and explains how he arrived at his understanding on this subject.
He acknowledges that church people have many differing ideas about baptism, disagreeing on how it should be done, what it means, who should be baptized, who is qualified to perform it and why it should be done. If there is anything on which church people disagree this is it.
The apostle Paul said to the people at Corinth, "I thank God that I baptized none of you but Crispus and Gaius"? How could he say this? What did he mean when he said, "For Christ sent me not to baptize but to preach the gospel"? Explore and weigh important considerations about baptism in this scripture based book.
Originally published under the title, “A Baptist Pastor Who Stopped Baptizing,” this second edition adds an introduction discussing changes in the Bible and a concluding chapter which asks, “How much does it matter?” Pastor Sims recounts how the subject of baptism has affected him, his church, and his continuance in Christian services.
Why would a Baptist pastor stop baptizing? Being a Baptist how could he? What could cause him to do it? If he did do this, would it be possible to continue as the pastor at his church? This is a true story. Read what happened. How could these things take place? What can be learned from this story?
In this 58 page book, Pastor Art Sims explains that it was in the 10th year of his pastoral work that a crisis arose resulting in water baptism being discontinued in his ministry.
Throughout his ministry Arthur’s desire has been to understand and abide by the teachings of Scripture. Whether agreeing or disagreeing with the thoughts and actions of this pastor, his esteem for the Bible is evident in this story.
Why do Christians talk about being "saved?" What does it mean to be saved? Saved from what? Here is a book that clarifies in plain words what is taught in the Bible about salvation. Why has God made salvation the way it is? Why do people need to be saved? How can someone be saved and sure of it?
The author of this book, Pastor Art Sims has served as a Bible teaching pastor more than 50 years. In these pages he displays and explains answers about salvation directly from the Bible in a clear and understanding manner so that individuals who are willing to believe the Scriptures can grasp and appreciate this vital subject and enjoy the assurance and peace this understanding brings.
In this 50 page book, "Distinctions That Matter" Pastor Arthur T. Sims presents a simple but thorough study of basic Dispensational truth.

In one of several books written by Pastor Art Sims, “Teachings of Scripture and Viewpoints of Modern Man” (And How They Matter and Compare) Pastor Sims addresses the questions, criticisms and beliefs (and false doctrine) pertaining to Bible-based Christianity. In this easy to read and understand, Pastor Sims offers insights from his own study of the Word of God over many years in matters of religion, confusion over contradictions in Scripture, Hell, people who have not heard the Gospel, and so much more (67 pages).